What to Bring
How should I pack for this trip to Cuba?
Travel as light as possible. Try to avoid checking a big suitcase. Travelers are known for struggling in and out of the tiny doorways of Cuban buildings and up tight staircases with their enormous bags.
Pack your toiletries. Make sure to pack all your toiletries. In Cuba, it’s going to be difficult if not impossible to find the products you’re used to. Also, bring some toilet paper with you. It’s a smart idea to carry some with you throughout the day when you’re away from the Casa Particular.
Cuba is hot. In general dress for heat, and bring a couple versatile light layers mainly for nighttime (a light jacket for rain, a cardigan, a shawl, etc). Cuban culture is not conservative when it comes to dress, so tank tops, short shorts, etc., are all fine.
The Essentials:
• Passport
• Medications and OTC drugs (if prescription, they should be in original bottles)
• Basic first-aid items (band aids, ibuprofen, etc.)
• Toiletries
• Insect repellent
• Sunglasses
• Hand sanitizer
• Tissue packs
• Sunscreen
• Snacks (especially if you have special dietary needs)
• Itinerary
• Pack anything that’s essential to your normal, day-to-day activities
Cuba has no clothing taboos:
• Pack light comfortable clothing and walking shoes
• Very few venues in Cuba require formal dress. More formal attire in Cuba is below:
A nice blouse or casual dress for a woman
A button-down shirt and long pants for a man
• In the event of inclement weather, a poncho or light-weight jacket is recommended
• A sweater or light-weight jacket may be necessary in the evenings during certain times of the year
• If you plan to go horseback riding, be sure to bring long pants (for your comfort)
Can I bring gifts for the Cuban people?
Small gifts for kids and locals (for example: school supplies, pens, small toys, lotion, art supplies, chapstick, etc.) are perfectly fine. If you plan to bring donations, please inform your tour leader and they will be able to advise you as to whom you can make the donations to.